Zrii Corporate Blog

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Perfect Storm - The Zrii Opportunity

Once in a while the starts align and comes an alignment of forces. In network marketing, a few factors have to come together in order to create the perfect opportunity. The Zrii opportunity entails those characteristics.

1) Leadership

World renowned business icon Bill Farley a recipient of the Horatio Alger Award for entrepreneurial  excellence. A builder of billion dollar global brands. Brands such as, Fruit of the Loom, Christian Dior, BVD, Jordache Jeans, Luchese Boots. Bill has owned everything from wineries to railroads. He is the who's who of business. he's friends with presidents, they've been to his house and he threw down the gauntlet and said that Zrii is going to be his 7th billion dollar Brand.

2) Endorsement

I was on the golf course with Bill Farley and when we were riding the cart down one of the beautiful fairways of Torrey Pines South. I asked Bill, "why did you chose network marketing? He simply said that over my career, the people that I have been able to help in a drastic way are my CEO's and stockholders, Network Marketing is the only vehicle where I can take anyone who has a passion for their dreams and a passion for what they want, be able to take a network marketing opportunity and fulfill those wishes. "At this point of my life my I know that I am passionate about entrepreneurship and health. That is why he went to Dr. Deepak Chopra of the Chopra Center for well-being and expresses his vision of making Zrii the next Billion Dollar Brand. Bill and Dr. Chopra have been friends for over 25 years and Dr. Chopra told Bill that he wouldn't endorse anything unless he has say in the formulation of the products and have the impeccable quality based in the wisdom of Ayurveda. Hence, Zrii was born. The genesis of a icon was created. We have exclusivity with the Chopra Center for well-being as it has its stamp of approval on every product.

3) Timing

It was once said that they key to financial success is timing. Not only of the company but of the product, and the trends in the industry the product are in.

a) Zrii was founded in 2007 hence, in a life graph of most businesses. The first few years if formulation stage, then it moves into pre-momentum stage when business building is concentrated. That is where Zrii is at. Right before critical mass and momentum.

b) The market trends. In order for business to succeed we must have products geared into a market where there is an ever expanding demand and growth. Paul Zane Pilner said that the next Tillion Dollar industry is goign the the health and wellness industry. The baby-boomers (76 million Americans) who want to look younger, feel better, and live longer. On top of that there is an obesity epidemic in the United States. Over 67% of the Unites States is obese and among 31% are obese which is now one of the leading causes to many ailments, like diabetes, heart disease , hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome.

What better time than now to enter a market where it is becoming needed the most.

4) Products

Based in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda Zrii has create three products so far. Visit AdrianTanUSA.com for more information on these amazing products.

5) Systems

Zrii has proprietary systems where each business owner gets  their own backoffice and personalized websites. Zrii is always on the leading edge when it comes to systems and tracking.

6) A Generous Compensation Plan

The Zrii Opportunity comensation plan tops any in the industry. With 11 ways that it pays, It allows anybody to be able to create full-time income working part time. With revenue sharing options starting day one. Zrii provides the income that people are looking for. Whether they need to top off a car payment, bring a spouse home from work, or create generational wealth. Zrii offers a place for everyone in different walks of life.

7) Field Leadership

Zrii has been graced by an Icon in the industry. Brad and Marcia Hager. I do not use the word icon lightly. They have been published authors of books, audios and have even been on the big screen in a movie called Pass It On. Their passion is helping people reach success whether small or big. They have not only helped over 400,000 people reach success but with that have trained over 11 people to become millionaires and multi-millionaires in the industry.

I invite you to take control of your life and live the life you deserve to live!

Get started at www.AdrianTanUSA.com

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